How can I use the Essential Soft Skills Credential?
Essential Soft Skills Credential
The Essential Soft Skills Credential provides employers with insights into your readiness to work and understanding of what it takes to retain employment. You have taken the time to prove what you know about important employability skills.
- List the credential on your resume.
- On your resume highlight the skills you have mastered by earning this credential.
- Provide a copy of the credential as part of your application.
- Add your credential level to your online business professional profiles.
- In your job interviews, be prepared to talk about the skills you have mastered as shown on your credential.
Essential Soft Skills Credential
Earning your Essential Soft Skills Credential has very important information that you can share with a potential employer or college review opportunity. The skills that the credential displays include successful mastery of content in the essential soft skills assessment, These are the skills that employers seek while on the job and working with others. Always have a printed copy of your credential when you go on a job interview or are speaking to someone that can help you move forward. It is a great place to start your conversation to share that you have the skills to start and improve along your career path.
Promote and Share Your Credential
One way to enhance your opportunity to get the job or get ahead in your career or college path is to promote yourself and the skills you possess. Consider adding information in your resume that you have earned the Essential Soft Skills Credential. Additionally, think about creating a LinkedIn profile and add your certificate information and level earned to your online presence. Update your portfolio and social media profiles to include your certificate information. Employers and colleges look at your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram footprint, so let them see the best side of you!